Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Licensed by the California Massage Therapy Council, Massage Therapist since 2018

I have clients who have successfully paid for there sessions using there FSA credit card account, so yes but you may want to check with your provider to be sure. All Square Receipts note “Massage Therapy” if you need something specific please let me know and I will try to accommodate.

No, my body, my choice. I have a pretty good diet and I get a lot of exercise with both running and working and if I hardly get sick and have something that works for me, why change. If you need a vaccinated massage therapist then you should look elsewhere. 

Yes, in January 2022 & February 2023 I tested positive for COVID and had a soar throat for a few days and ran hot for a day or so. I quarantined, slept and watched a bunch of TV series and movies. It took me about 2 weeks before I tested negative, second time with COVID I tested negative after 5 days.

I can wear a mask during the massage and have no problems doing so, if you would prefer I where a mask please let me know or leave a note when booking your appointment. I would hate to pass something on to anyone.

As a client its optional, some wear a mask the whole time or only when faceup or not at all, it doesn’t bother me if you do or not, however you feel most comfortable.

No, your body is most likely in a weakened state let it heal or recover. Massage can help with circulation and recovery but can sometimes prolong sickness and there’s a definite risk of spreading what ever you have. I would rather you cancel or reschedule then risk passing on something to me or through me to other clients seen throughout the day.

Yes, I give myself time between sessions to clean and disinfect the room between visits. Wiping down table, stools, benches, door knobs, mopping floor, etc.

Yes I have hand sanitizer, tissues and usually provide a towel to wipe off any excess lotion after the session. 

Maybe, maybe not. I’ve worked for a lot of people and some not, you really just have to try me out and see. Just like some people don’t get along or work well together, same can be said with your massage therapist. I try to work for everyone but there are going to be people who just prefer someone else, all I can do is try and give the best of whatever version of myself that shows up for the massage. 

In short yes but if your pregnant I would recommend you see a massage therapist that has been trained for pregnancy massage. I have worked on a few pregnant women in the past but I’m really not set up for it. Some places have a table that is adjustable and puts you in a slightly seated position or a wedge, and various pillows to accommodate. My table lays flat, has an adjustable chest plate and headrest and I have 1 pillow and a few bolsters, just a basic setup.

Yes, some people cannot go face down or just more comfortable in a sideline position, although I do no typically work on clients in a sideline position just let me know and I can improvise. 

Once you come in, I’ll ask if you have any issues or focus areas (if there are areas you would prefer not to have worked, let me know before we begin). I’ll confirm the work for the session (full body or just focus area or areas). Most people start face down and I’ll work the neck and back, then below the waist one leg/side at a time. Then I’ll have you flip over faceup and work one leg/side at a time, then each arm at a time, then chest (about 2 ribs down from collarbone) and finish with neck or scalp or both depending on preference and time. During the session client is draped and I’ll cover and re-cover each part of the body as I move along.

Some people prefer not to have there hair/scalp or face touched, most clients do not have there stomach worked on but those are all areas that can be worked. It takes time working through the body and some areas just need more time and work, not giving a therapist enough time and adding to much to a session can leave you feeling incomplete. Make sure to give enough time for the work you want to have done. 

Most of my clients want a combination of relaxing and therapeutic massage and usually ask for a full body massage with focus on 1 or 2 areas (like neck, back, low back, glutes, hamstrings or feet). 

Some clients only want the the back and neck worked on or just the backside of the body (facedown only).  Some clients dedicate the whole session to muscles or muscle groups to assist with specific issues, scar tissue or injuries and operations (examples: headaches, sciatic pain, pains in general, back/hip pain or ache, problems or stiffness with replaced shoulders, knees or hips, etc.).

Usually yes, massage can help with circulation, freeing up different kinds of build up, lactic acid or problem areas of overworked or tired muscles and help stimulate the lymphatic system (body’s waste system) to keep things moving freely.

We all recover differently, some respond better to different methods, such as:  more exercise, yoga, rest/sleep, meditation, recovery tools, foam rollers, massage guns and Epson salt baths to name a few.

The best recovery method is the one that best works for you and however much time and work your willing to dedicate to it.

Depends on what you have going on and what you want done.

60 min – if you just want a general full body massage and don’t have any real issues or if you just want to focus on the back, backside of body or other specific spots or areas.

90 min – if you want a full body massage with detailed work on a few areas or adding hot stones or cupping in addition to the massage.

120 min – if you want a full body massage with detailed work or head, scalp, face, abdomen work or want to add any of the extra services like hot stones, cupping or massage gun.

First timers – I recommend 60 min, if it’s your first time your probably not used to having some areas touched or worked on, you may be ticklish or sensitive in certain areas but with more massage the body gets accustomed to touch and your able to relax and enjoy it more in time and then there are some that take to it first time around 🙂

I can work on clients clothed or unclothed and even through a sheet, however you feel most comfortable. Feel free to dress down to your comfort level, unclothed clients will be draped and I will only undrape what ever part of the body I am working on in the moment.

Past clients have left there underwear on or off, I have worked on females with a sports bra or bra, just keep in mind if I’m working over the skin with lotion or oil your bound to get some on whatever articles of clothing left on.

Everyone has there own idea for pressure but most of my clients prefer firm to deep pressure and only a few clients that prefer my light pressure, if you prefer really light pressure I may not work for you.

I’m about 170 pounds, I work slow and use my weight and technique to apply as much pressure needed for the session. If ever more or less pressure is needed just let me know and I’ll make adjustments (anytime). I’ve had some people who I’ve questioned if I’m even enough yet they end up coming back but if you need super super deep pressure then I may not work for you.

No, you can text but by creating a login you take the load off me. By creating a login you can check availability, schedule, cancel or reschedule an appointment at any time and it frees me up to work or have a life without the constant back and forth dealings with schedule changes, cancels and eliminates the need to hire an assistant. I usually respond to texts within a day, most times sooner but I may be in back to back sessions all-day, trail running or just disconnecting to enjoy some time to myself.

I could be in back to back sessions all day or on a hike/run or simply have my phone off to disconnect. If I’m free I’ll usually respond once I get the message but sometimes it could be hours or a day before I can respond. I’m usually pretty good about getting back to people but it’s not uncommon for me to take a while to respond.

Yes you could use “Question and Suggestion” form below, email, text or just let me know. I’ll take feedback into consideration. 

Welcome to being a human, farts happen, its a known working hazard 🙂

Farting during a massage is considered to be one of the highest forms of a compliment. If it happens.. fine but if you want to thank me, know that a simple thank you will suffice.


If you “no show” to your appointment and don’t call or text to let me know your not coming, then I will not work with you.

There are a few I have blocked or refused to work with because of a “No Show” appointment, I’m running a small business when someone doesn’t show or call to let me know there not coming it wastes my time, hurts me financially and takes a slot from someone who could of used the session. Please respect my time and I’ll respect yours.

I don’t have one.. if your not going to be able to make your appointment, just cancel but please cancel as soon as you can to give me a chance to try to fill the slot. 

If your sick, then please cancel.

Please let me know via text, call, message, email or use to cancel.

Any of the following options work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:

Text/Call: 760-651-2662


Message: Contact Me messaging platform

Things happen, life happens.. if it’s a few times no problem but if I notice a trend I can simply choose not to work with you. 

I’ve been a massage therapist since 2017 and only a handful of clients come to mind as being a problem. When someone cancels or no shows last minute I’m left with an empty slot that could have been filled, which hurts me financially and leaves me with wasted time. 

Yes, your more than welcome to play something off your phone or portable speaker. I just have to be respectful of my office neighbors with the volume and type of music.

During a massage a lot of embarrassing things can happen, people fart, drool, snore, get congested, get mucus build up or deal with growling stomachs, periods, stinky areas or feet, etc. 

All normal 🙂

I typically use a Jojoba unscented massage lotion from Soothing Touch. It’s not oily and doesn’t leave you feeling greasy after a massage but provides a good glide for strokes or working on the skin.

If you prefer using your own oil or lotion, please feel free to bring it, sorry no discount for bringing your own.

However you feel most comfortable, most people come in cloths that can easily and quickly be removed and put back on. No judgement here.

Ladies please come with a hair tie and a high ponytail works best for me or I’ll cover your hair with a towel to keep it out of the way. No make-up if you want your face worked on.. again no judgement.

Please be clean, stink free, bring water and remember to hydrate after a massage, use the restroom before coming in (restrooms are on each floor of the building).

Before the massage, think about areas you need worked or things that have been bugging you. During a massage, try to take note on the areas that feel soar or tight, you may have to work on those areas on your own later. After a massage, hydrate and get a good nights sleep.

Yes, just let me know your heating preference, I usually leave it on low during a session.

I also have a room heater and keep things around 70-72 degrees

Yes but my table has a built in adjustable chest/breast plate, your free to use one or the other or both.

My table has an adjustable head rest, chest plate, adjusts in height and can be adjusted as needed during a session, so I’m always in a good working position.

By keeping things simple, small and affordable I can manage being in business for myself. My office room is actually larger than most massage rooms I’ve worked in. 

You’ll get more time per $, no contracts, tiered plans or fine print to deal with. You’ll be dealing directly with me and helping out a small business owner and cutting out the middleman. I have worked with both franchises and I have always felt like we’re processing cattle through, one after another. Massage Therapist and Clients usually feel rushed, typically not enough time is given to consult with clients, clean up and restock. Clients receive less time then what there told, if its a 60, 90, 120 min massage 10 min is subtracted to allow client time to consult/dress/undress (read the fine print). 

Since this is my business I can run it my way and allow time between clients, to clean up and set things in order and assuming you come in on time.. I give you the full time 60, 90 or 120 min. sessions.

I grew tired of sharing a room or dealing with other therapist moving things, changing table settings or having to clean up, restock after inconsiderate therapists and so here I am with my own place and better work environment.

There are women and men bathrooms on each floor near the elevator. Bathroom doors are locked, I will unlock bathrooms for you as needed.

Yes, there are two handicapped parking spaces in front of the building and an elevator to get to the 2nd floor, bathrooms are handicapped accessible.

Yes, in front of the building, look for “Lobby Entrance” sign and call “” from the call box to be let in, as you enter, stairs are to the left or elevator is straight back.

If you have any problems, please:

Text or Call: 760-651-2662

Typically No.. if you want to try, just text. You may not get a reply right away but I will eventually get back to you. My appointments are setup 24 hours in advance and can be scheduled up to a month in advance.

If you need something reoccurring just let me know and I can manually add so you can lock in a given date & time.

Cash is always preferred



I use Square and you can pay with the following:

Credit Card – Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, UnionPay

Apple Pay

Android Pay

Samsung Pay

Tip rates for San Diego are about $10/per half hour

60min – $20

90min – $30

120min – $40

High end places would typically be more.

Yes, sometimes and if so could be found here:

Recommend or tell a friend, leave a good review with Google maps, Yelp or

I have off days just like anyone else, sometimes it’s because of a bad nights sleep or I’m just run down from working or running too much. Sometimes my flow could be off, we all have good and bad days that’s why I always say I’ll give you the best of what ever version of me that shows up for the massage, if there’s ever a problem just let me know, I’m a fair man and will make things right.

I might add your question to my FAQ, please feel free to ask.